Virtually every week we receive enquiries from customers that are not aware that they can claim business rates relief. These are usually scenarios where the customer is under extreme pressure to pay down the current business rates liability and sometimes past years billing periods.
An often misplaced relief is the retail and hospitality one. To get retail relief, the property has to be rated less than £110K, which many are. You need to be trading and doing 50% retail sales. Let’s say your running a business from a warehouse type building, but 50% or more of your sales are from customers visiting your premises and buying goods, you then have a case. Retail relief though needs to be claimed the same year as the billing period, they do not backdate this relief unlike small business rates relief.
Let’s now look at small business rates relief. It amazes me how many customers believe that they cannot get the relief (SBRR) because they think you have to be trading, when in fact you only have to occupy the property. Occupying is different from trading, but the councils sometimes tell you different, claiming you have to be trading. One only needs to occupy the property to claim it.
Empty property relief is another overlooked relief but in fairness the councils often do apply this relief without you having to do anything, but not always as I have seen on a number of occasions. Best to get your billing checked out by a competent rating person such as myself or my colleague Mark Allen. We provide free reviews and if you want us to pursue your case, give us a call and we will help you.
Remember the Labour government are reducing retail and hospitality relief on 1st April 2025 down from 75% to 40% relief. How they can possibly justify this move is unbelievable, but that’s exactly what they have done. So, remember, vote Labour if want less money as that’s the reality come April.
Happy New Year to all of our customers !
Steve Adams / 07415048643 / steve.adams@businessrateadvisors.co.uk