Did you know that if your business occupies a commercial property with a rateable value of £110,000 or less, and your business trades at 50% or more in retail sales, you could be entitled to claim 75% off your current rates bill. Thats a big deal but not everyone in these commercial properties know that they can claim it. You could be selling kebabs for example from a non retail commercial property, not knowing you can claim 75% reduction in rates. Chances are the council wont inform you, you have to find out for yourself.
This past year we have received an uplift in cases where we have helped the business claim the relief. In most of those cases the client had no idea they could claim it.
If your not sure if you can claim it, ask us. We provide a free review of the situation the same as we do with valuation office cases.
Need to discuss your case, give me a call on 07415048643 and I will go over the situation with you.
Steve Adams