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It is possible to set up repayment terms on an outstanding business rates account. Most weeks we are in talks with councils negotiating payment plans on behalf of our clients. Some of those councils have taken a harsher stance on accounts that have gone into business rate arrears, but its still possible to set up an affordable plan. Historic debts can be negotiated whilst the current rates are kept up to date. Always try to keep the current payment year to date on time and request arrangements for any previous years. If you need help restoring a current business rate instalment plan, speak with us as soon as possible to discuss your options.

Brochure explaining our business rate services
We are experts are dealing with any council business rate debt or dispute

If you need help with something else such as commercial utilities or council tax drop us a call and we will be happy to help. For business rates advice visit our page. We can help with bailiffs too.

Steve Adams @ Business Rate Advisors Ltd

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Equita bailiff visit for business rates arrears
Equita bailiff visit at your door

Equita bailiff enforcement notice.

If you have received a demand notice from Equita bailiffs for arrears on your business rates account, you need to act quickly to mitigate the enforcement fees. Enforcement fees are costly, especially if you owe over £1500, because Equita bailiffs charge you 7.5% above anything over £1500 in business rate arrears.

First, contact Equita Bailiffs.

The first thing you do is contact Equita bailiffs directly and request an affordable payment arrangement. If Equita refuse to oblige the payment plan, and this is all you can afford, ask for the reason why the plan has been denied. Keep a note of what Equita told you.

Contact your council.

Telephone or email your council and demand an affordable payment plan. Explain to your council why you are unable to afford to pay the balance in full. Inform the council about what Equita told you when you ask to spread the payments. If the council inform you that you must deal directly with Equita bailiffs, inform the council that because they refused, the council must accept the arrangement. If the council refuse, tell them that you wish to submit a formal complaint, and request that the account be placed on hold until the complaint is dealt with. If the council refuse, you should contact Steve Adams on 07415048643 to get immediate business rates advice on how to stop the bailiffs.

The business rate debt is in dispute.

If you dispute the billing amounts Equita claim that you owe, then you need to deal directly with the council and not the bailiffs. The council can instruct the bailiff firm to accept an arrangement. But you need to make your complaint clear to mitigate any confusion.

The council won’t listen.

If the council fail to respond to you, or refuse your request, then you need to seek expert advice as soon as possible. Do not delay, seek assistance immediately by getting in touch with Business Rate Advisors who will provide you with free business rates advice on how to deal with the bailiff.

The main number is 01225667747 or visit the website to find out more

Get the help you need and visit us today for Equita bailiff enforcement notices advice.

Steve @ Business Rate Advisors Ltd

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Major reconstruction works for deleting a property
Scaffold for property reconstruction works major

There are a number of reasons why you would want to delete a commercial property from the rating list. Let’s look at some of those reasons.

Under reconstruction. Major reconstruction works verses repair works.

If you are carrying out extensive building works at the property, perhaps to repair the premises into a commercially usable condition, you would not want to be paying business rates whilst carrying out those works. Under these circumstances you would be entitled to make a request to the valuation office agency to delete the property from the rating list. However, the council will keep on billing you for business rates until the property is deleted by the valuation office.

Basic repairs would not be sufficient to delete the property from the commercial rating list, for example painting, decorating, fixing small water leaks, general repairs. The valuation office looks at general and basic repairs as not significant enough to consider the property not fit for its intended purpose. Therefore, the deletion request would be denied.

Major Reconstruction is where the property is undergoing significant roof repairs, a change in structure, demolition of walls etc. The deletion request would be accepted.

Property conversion

When converting a commercial property into something else, perhaps flats or another type of commercial building, you do not have to pay business rates whilst under reconstruction. You are entitled to make a request to delete the property from the rating list.

Property derelict

Derelict property for rating purposes
Derelict property for business rates deletion

If the property is derelict, you do not have to pay business rates. However, it is notoriously difficult to remove a property from the rating list on derelict properties. But why is this the case. Its to do with supplying enough evidence to change the opinion of the valuation officer involved. Evidence being costings to bring the property back to its intended purposes to start with. And the property may be rated at a £1 as opposed to it being deleted off the rating list.

Our business logo
Business Rate Advisors Ltd Logo

At Business Rate Advisors Ltd, we can request the deletion of a commercial property from the rating list for you and hold the billing account at the same time.

Speak with Mark Allen or Steve Adams who provide free business rates advice. The main number is 01225667747 or visit the website to find out more

Our business rate reviews
Our 5 star google business reviews page

We can advise you on your property deletion case.

Until next time.

Steve @ Business Rate Advisors Ltd

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