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Major reconstruction works for deleting a property
Scaffold for property reconstruction works major

There are a number of reasons why you would want to delete a commercial property from the rating list. Let’s look at some of those reasons.

Under reconstruction. Major reconstruction works verses repair works.

If you are carrying out extensive building works at the property, perhaps to repair the premises into a commercially usable condition, you would not want to be paying business rates whilst carrying out those works. Under these circumstances you would be entitled to make a request to the valuation office agency to delete the property from the rating list. However, the council will keep on billing you for business rates until the property is deleted by the valuation office.

Basic repairs would not be sufficient to delete the property from the commercial rating list, for example painting, decorating, fixing small water leaks, general repairs. The valuation office looks at general and basic repairs as not significant enough to consider the property not fit for its intended purpose. Therefore, the deletion request would be denied.

Major Reconstruction is where the property is undergoing significant roof repairs, a change in structure, demolition of walls etc. The deletion request would be accepted.

Property conversion

When converting a commercial property into something else, perhaps flats or another type of commercial building, you do not have to pay business rates whilst under reconstruction. You are entitled to make a request to delete the property from the rating list.

Property derelict

Derelict property for rating purposes
Derelict property for business rates deletion

If the property is derelict, you do not have to pay business rates. However, it is notoriously difficult to remove a property from the rating list on derelict properties. But why is this the case. Its to do with supplying enough evidence to change the opinion of the valuation officer involved. Evidence being costings to bring the property back to its intended purposes to start with. And the property may be rated at a £1 as opposed to it being deleted off the rating list.

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At Business Rate Advisors Ltd, we can request the deletion of a commercial property from the rating list for you and hold the billing account at the same time.

Speak with Mark Allen or Steve Adams who provide free business rates advice. The main number is 01225667747 or visit the website to find out more

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We can advise you on your property deletion case.

Until next time.

Steve @ Business Rate Advisors Ltd

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Tower block of office space for business rates
Business rates office space photo

In a nutshell, yes. A bit like retail, its expensive, but unlike retail, you will not receive any discounts unless your rateable value is less than £15,000. See tapered rateable values and small rates relief chart over at our website.

If you have two or more properties, then you will not receive any small business rates relief in the majority of cases.


But why is office space so expensive for business rates. It is because the valuation office deems it to be prime real estate that often commands higher rents. This is not true in its entirety, but this is what they do.

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Is it worth appealing the office space business rate costs?

In many cases no, it is not worth appealing. But this is not the case for all office space properties. And it may well be worth getting a free business rates review from Business Rate Advisors. This would assist you in determining whether you have a good chance of reducing your business rates and winning your challenge case.

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Can I split office space to reduce costs?

Yes, so long as the tenants have their own access point and exclusivity of their property. This is one effective way of lowering costs, but keep in mind that the occupiers should be separate companies or sole traders.

Pick up the phone or send us an email if you would like a free business rate review of your commercial office space.

Speak with Mark Allen or Steve Adams by visiting the website

See you soon.

Steve @ Business Rate Advisors Ltd

Landline 01225667747

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Writer's picture: Steve AdamsSteve Adams

Business Rate Advisors Logo on a PC - Steve Adams Business Rate Consultant
Steve Adams Business Rate Consultant

Do I need to appeal my business rates, or shall I leave it as it is. This is an important factor in deciding whether to challenge your business rates property value. Why is this important. Because the valuation could go up and not just remain the same. It could also go down, and that is what requires investigation.

And thus, it depends on whether you believe your current or past business rates are incorrectly listed on the valuation office agencies property website.

The link just below takes you to the online portal where you can type in your commercial property post code and look up your commercial property’s valuation. This valuation is what the valuation office agency believes it should be.

Here is the link to the valuation office property website

Business Rates with a bang
Business Rates Advice

Type in your post code and then find your property in the list. If you do not see your property listed, look at your business rates billing letter and find the property reference number, not the business rate account number. Then when you search on the link you click “advanced”. Then choose “local council reference”. Put the reference number in that search box and press the green button. Only your property will show up on the list.

The valuation tab at the bottom of the page is the one you want to be looking at. This breaks down what the different areas values are set at. However, there is a few exceptions to this if your property is based on turnover. If based on turnover, you will not see a detailed description of the different areas. This mainly applies to Hotels, Pubs, Bars.

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Does your property description look accurate. Are the dimensions of the same proportion or do they differ. Is the property description different from the current use. Have you made changes to the property which effects the business rating values.

If you believe you may be entitled to reduce your current or past business rates property value, we provide a free business rates review service to assist you in your challenge case.

To get a free review of your commercial property pop on over to our website and speak with either of our two experts, Mark Allen, or Steve Adams. All our business rates advice is free.

Hear from you soon

Steve Adams @

Business Rate Advisors Ltd


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Professional Business Rates Advice service based in Wiltshire, serving England & Wales, including all London councils, Westminster council, Midlands. Expert business rate consultants and business rates appeal specialists. 

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Office 203, Bridge House, Station Road, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4HR

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